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Cassie Kelly
Sep 3, 20172 min read
NASA Races to Figure Out Stealthy Solar Storms
Here’s how a “normal” solar storm happens: Magnetic fields and plasma explode from within the sun’s corona, called a coronal mass...

Cassie Kelly
Jul 3, 20174 min read
Radiation Could be the Silent Killer of Mars Colonists
The first colonists on Mars will be tasked with flying a massive spacecraft to the planet, landing safely, laying the groundwork for a...

Cassie Kelly
Jun 14, 20174 min read
Mars Needs a Whole New Clock and Calendar
Soon enough, humans will be living on Mars, almost 40 million miles from their home planet. This will require some major work, like...

Cassie Kelly
Jun 2, 20172 min read
The Electrifying Reason Lightning Can Make Space Rockets Explode
On June 1, a SpaceX Falcon 9 was meant to make history twice over as the 100th launch from Complex 39A at the Kennedy Space Center and...

Cassie Kelly
Jun 1, 20173 min read
What is NICER? The Mission Launching on the CRS-11 Falcon 9 Today
There are some objects in the universe that just don’t make sense, and our current technology isn’t advanced enough to help. But, on June...

Cassie Kelly
May 24, 20172 min read
Global Drug Survey Reveals the World's Most Dangerous Substance
The results of the latest Global Drug Survey (GDS) are in, and they’ve revealed the most dangerous substance in the world. According to...

Cassie Kelly
May 22, 20172 min read
Want to Build An Extremely Large Telescope? You Need a Mirror Like This
The latest technological feat by the European Southern Observatory is an optical/near infrared telescope that will be the world’s...

Cassie Kelly
May 15, 20173 min read
SpaceX's New Mini-Falcon 9, the Block 5, Will Re-Fly in a Day
On March 30, Elon Musk, founder of SpaceX, said his next goal was 24-hour re-flight for Falcon 9-based missions. He’s already condensed...

Cassie Kelly
Apr 26, 20174 min read
Women's Ridesharing Apps Are Popping Up Everywhere
Women are taking a stand and making a place for themselves in the ride-sharing community. As soon as Nancy picked up the passenger for a...

Cassie Kelly
Apr 24, 20171 min read
Scientists Found Something Super Weird in This Giant Glob of Stars
Globular clusters are just as they sound: giant spherical globs of stars gravitationally bound by a central force. But the source of that...

Cassie Kelly
Apr 19, 20173 min read
The 7 Worst Immediate Effects of an Asteroid Hitting Earth, Ranked
Unlike the dinosaurs, humans have a pretty good idea of what will happen if a six-mile-across asteroid smacks the planet, thanks to a new...

Cassie Kelly
Apr 14, 20172 min read
Next NASA Launch a Chance to 'Stand Where You Would Surely Die'
To witness a rocket leave Earth at 4.9 miles per second is always breathtaking for its ambition, brilliance, and wonder but one area...

Cassie Kelly
Apr 13, 20172 min read
NASA Scientist Says Her Money Is on Europa for Alien Life
There is now solid evidence that Jupiter’s moon Europa has plumes much like Saturn’s moon Enceladus, meaning the probability of an ocean...

Cassie Kelly
Apr 6, 20172 min read
Kreisel’s New Electric Supercar is Absolutely Stunning
Austrian electric car manufacturer Kreisel Electric unleashed its newest beast today: the EVEX 910e. This sleek retro-design is...

Cassie Kelly
Apr 5, 20172 min read
NASA Imagines What Cassini's Noble Death Will Look Like
As the Cassini probe enters its final mission this month, NASA is reminiscing about some of the spacecraft’s greatest achievements and...

Cassie Kelly
Apr 4, 20172 min read
DroneClash is BattleBots for Quadcopters
The first ever DroneClash tournament promises fire, carnage, broken glass and thousands of dollars in smashed quadcopters. The...

Cassie Kelly
Mar 31, 20172 min read
SpaceX Salvaged a $6 Million Nose Cone From the Falcon 9 Reflight
Good news: The first stage Falcon 9 booster wasn’t the only expenditure SpaceX managed to write off from Thursday’s SES-10 launch — in...

Cassie Kelly
Mar 24, 20172 min read
This New 3D Map of Stardust is a Treasure Map Leading to New Stars
The galaxy is a filthy place. With bits and debris lingering everywhere, it is very difficult for scientists to see neighboring planets...

Cassie Kelly
Mar 22, 20172 min read
Google's Street View Cars Now Actively Fight Climate Change
Google Street View has mapped out remote islands and the mouths of active volcanoes, but its latest project could actually help save the...

Cassie Kelly
Mar 22, 20172 min read
Incredible New Map Reveals Secrets of Earth's Magnetic Field
Earth’s magnetic field affects the planet’s climate, tectonic shifts, gravity, and even its rotation. However, its most important...
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