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Cassie Kelly
Nov 12, 20243 min read
Novel Carbon Capture Tech Makes Case for More Wind Turbines
As global emissions continue to rise, the world’s top scientists and engineers are working on ways to counteract warming and prevent the...

Cassie Kelly
Aug 25, 20243 min read
Reverse Electrolysis Controls Underwater Robot’s Buoyancy
Autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) are ideal for unmanned missions to the deep sea, military operations, and marine research. However,...

Cassie Kelly
Aug 12, 20243 min read
Retractable Device Could Make Vehicle Camouflage Easier
While in combat, soldiers take every precaution to conceal themselves and their vehicles from the enemy. Currently, Army troops use...

Cassie Kelly
Jun 23, 20243 min read
Pint-sized Power Conversion with Piezoelectrics
Many of the microsystems we use every day, embedded in everything from smartphones to automobiles, need power converters to shift...

Cassie Kelly
May 13, 20243 min read
Machine Learning Finds Defects in Wind Turbine Blades
Wind turbines can be difficult to maintain, especially offshore. Getting out to sea to inspect the turbines is a dangerous and...

Cassie Kelly
Feb 5, 20243 min read
Engineers Spot Polar Bear Dens Via Radar
Winter is a critical time for polar bears. In their dens, mothers nurse young cubs, and if they are disturbed, the mother and the cubs...

Cassie Kelly
Jan 22, 20243 min read
Snail-Inspired Robot Sucks up Floating Microplastics
Bio-inspired engineering—taking lessons from nature and applying them to new technology—has accelerated and innovated designs that would...

Cassie Kelly
Jan 16, 20244 min read
Sensor Determines Produce Ripeness Instantly
Imagine using your phone at the grocery store to determine which fruits and vegetables you’d like to purchase based off of their...

Cassie Kelly
Jul 22, 20233 min read
Image Capturing Device Mimics the Human Eye
Common photodetectors used in cameras, like the ones on smart phones, cannot distinguish color. Instead, once the photo is captured, the...

Cassie Kelly
Jan 19, 20234 min read
Exoskeleton Boot Improves Walking Speed, Offers New Hope for Those With Mobility Challenges
Predicting what a person needs from an assistive device is complicated, and varying preferences for control and comfort have made it...

Cassie Kelly
Jan 10, 20233 min read
Novel Heat Treatment to Unlock High-Temperature, 3D-Printed Components
Utilizing 3D printing to construct high-temperature components like gas turbine blades and vanes would save manufacturers precious time...

Cassie Kelly
Aug 29, 20224 min read
Students and Industry Push for Undergraduate Robotics Programming
For more than a decade now, Alec Gallimore, Dean of Engineering at the University of Michigan, has witnessed the field of robotics grow...

Cassie Kelly
Aug 22, 20224 min read
Soaring through the Martian Atmosphere
Rovers and oribital missions have done wonders to improve our understanding of the surface of Mars, but it’s time for scientists to try...

Cassie Kelly
Aug 21, 20224 min read
Swarming Robots May One Day Explore Europa
Planetary scientists have their sights set on Jupiter’s moon Europa. It’s about the size of Earth’s moon, but is covered in a thick layer...

Cassie Kelly
Aug 3, 20223 min read
Wearable Muscles Work with Users to Restore Mobility
Robotic “exoskeleton” technology has greatly advanced in recent years, restoring mobility and functionality to those who’ve lost it. But...

Cassie Kelly
Jul 25, 20223 min read
Treating Pain without Drugs: Implantable Device Cools Nerves
With the ongoing concerns of the addictive nature of opiates and dangerous risks of other pain medications, many medical practioners are...

Cassie Kelly
Jul 24, 20223 min read
E-Skin Shows Success in Detecting Chemicals, Viruses
To create a world where robots and humans coexist, robots should be agile, adaptive, and most of all, responsive. It will be critical for...

Cassie Kelly
Jun 6, 20223 min read
RoboKrill Mimics the Ocean’s Major Food Source
A tiny, crustacean-inspired robot may one day swim among others like it in the sea, monitoring the ecosystem and delivering valuable...

Cassie Kelly
May 22, 20224 min read
Detecting Drones from Miles Away
As drone technology becomes increasingly advanced, so does their potential threat to our daily lives. In situations like the crisis in...

Cassie Kelly
Mar 14, 20223 min read
Robot Performs Laparoscopic Surgery
Autonomous robots are driving cars and sorting recycling, but a team at Johns Hopkins University has been developing a robot for a much...
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