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Cassie Kelly
Mar 29, 20213 min read
Novel 3D-Printing Technique Could Hasten Bone-Graft Recovery
Engineers all over the world are convening on the best techniques for growing organs, tissues, and blood vessels using human cells–and...

Cassie Kelly
Jan 12, 20213 min read
3D-Printed Algae Boosts Regenerative Medicine
In many ways, regenerative medicine is the next engineering frontier. But, one continued challenge of developing tissues and organs in...

Cassie Kelly
Jan 7, 20215 min read
9 Bioinspired Medical Technologies
Biomimicry, or bioinspiration, is proving to be an effective approach to reimagining technology, especially in biomedical engineering. We...

Cassie Kelly
Oct 18, 20203 min read
Tubular Robot Maneuvers Through the Body
Vine robots are a promising emerging technology for search and rescue missions. Able to grow to great lengths, these growing robots can...

Cassie Kelly
Aug 27, 20204 min read
Digitization Opens Door to Collaboration During COVID-19
Industry and government leaders know the key to sustainable growth and continuous innovation is to invest in the young minds that will...

Cassie Kelly
Jul 22, 20204 min read
Smart Habitats for Sustained Lunar Living
With five years and up to $15 million of NASA funding locked up, Purdue University's Resilient Extra Terrestrial Habitats (RETH)...

Cassie Kelly
Mar 15, 20204 min read
Lab-Grown Meat: A Big Step Forward
Many of us have experienced the sizzle and aroma of steak on a grill. Now, we are one giant step closer to sourcing that meat from a lab...

Cassie Kelly
Mar 3, 20204 min read
3D-Printed Organs Nearing Clinical Trials
With the aid of 3D printing and electrospinning, a team of bioengineers at the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine lead by...

Cassie Kelly
Jan 23, 20203 min read
High-Speed Chameleon Tongue Redefines Soft Robots
A high-speed soft robotic “tongue” can spring out to five times its original length, snag a beetle crawling on the ground, and bring it...

Cassie Kelly
Dec 30, 20192 min read
Climate Disasters in 2019 Cost Billions, Report Finds
Climate change is getting costlier and deadlier. A new report from British charity Christian Aid found that 15 of the world's largest...

Cassie Kelly
Jul 26, 20194 min read
3D Bioprinter Prints Healthy Skin onto Patients in Minutes
Skin is one organ that varies greatly from patient to patient. Unlike damaged livers or lungs, which can be replaced by a donor,...

Cassie Kelly
Jun 14, 20193 min read
How to Teach Soft Robot Navigation
Perception is a tricky thing. Humans use all their senses to learn about their location and the objects with which they interact. If one...

Cassie Kelly
Jan 25, 20194 min read
Ovipositor Inspires New Needle for Surgery
The same mechanism that enables a parasitic wasp to lay her eggs inside a caterpillar without killing it could one day help surgeons...

Cassie Kelly
Nov 12, 20183 min read
New Approach Improves Treatment of Deadly Childhood Brain Cancer
Treating diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma, a deadly form of brain cancer, is so difficult that less than 1 percent of children survive...

Cassie Kelly
Sep 4, 20184 min read
Low-Cost Haptic Needle Punctures Need for Expensive Training Gear
Sometimes, it’s the simplest things that take the longest to master. Which is why a new haptic device that simulates the insertion of a...

Cassie Kelly
May 14, 20183 min read
Simple Solution Supercharges T-Cell Production
By using a softer material as a scaffold, biomedical engineers Lance Kam and Helen Lu of Columbia University can generate a dramatically...

Cassie Kelly
Jan 29, 20184 min read
A More Natural Approach to Passive Ankle Prostheses
A research lab has found an innovative way to close the gap between low-tech passive ankle prostheses and high-tech robotics. A morning...

Cassie Kelly
Jan 2, 20184 min read
These People Did Extraordinary Things in 2017
2017 was an exceptional year for ordinary citizens who stepped up to come to their communities' needs and in the process, sent a clear...

Cassie Kelly
Jan 1, 20185 min read
2017 Year in Review
As we look back on the most noteworthy environmental stories of 2017, one cannot help but start with the extreme weather that has caused...

Cassie Kelly
Dec 27, 20174 min read
10 Ways to Be a Better Environmental Steward in 2018
Protecting the natural environment may seem overwhelming with increased natural disasters, melting sea ice, and threatened wildlife. But...

Cassie Kelly
Dec 23, 20176 min read
14 Notable Climate Influencers of 2017
This was a year of tug-of-war for the environment. With Donald Trump becoming president of the U.S. at a time when wildfires, hurricanes,...

Cassie Kelly
Oct 9, 20173 min read
New Wound Care Product Offers the Next Step in Healing
A new wound dressing fights infection and uses human cells to regrow tissue without scarring. A new antimicrobial wound dressing that...

Cassie Kelly
Sep 3, 20172 min read
NASA Races to Figure Out Stealthy Solar Storms
Here’s how a “normal” solar storm happens: Magnetic fields and plasma explode from within the sun’s corona, called a coronal mass...

Cassie Kelly
Aug 28, 20175 min read
Revolutionary Liquid Biopsies Can Find the Cells that Matter Most
A cancer research company's "No Cell Left Behind" technology can identify just five cells in a sample of 30 million. Cancer is...
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